DFV Connect functions

Use DFV Connect to process referrals and manage clients.

What can I do in DFV Connect?

Process referrals

DFV Connect is integrated with the Central Referral Point (CRP) to automatically receive referrals made by NSW Police and Local Courts. WDVCAS staff can record all contact attempts and activities on referrals received via the CRP. WDVCAS and FASS staff can also manually create referrals in DFV Connect to record information.

Case coordination

Where consent is obtained by a client, a case coordination case can be created to record services provided and information about a client. This includes uploading files, recording case notes and accessing the client’s court diary.

Case management

For WDVCAS clients who require more intensive support, a case management case can be created to record casework service provision and information. Caseworkers can use the case management case to create case plans, to track clients' goals and ensure their services provided are properly recorded.

Coordinate Safety Action Meetings (SAMs)

DFV Connect is used to manage all SAMs and clients who have a risk rating of ‘serious threat’. The system is used to coordinate SAMs including managing serious threat clients using the SAM case, creating SAMs, maintaining SAM members, and generating SAM documents for circulation.

Person accounts 

All client, other party and dependent children information is stored in DFV Connect in a ‘person account’ to ensure a complete client history is maintained. 


All client information, supports and services provided are recorded within DFV Connect. This ensures comprehensive reporting that is up-to-date and accurate.

Secure access

DFV Connect is an online system which uses multi-factor authentication (MFA) to ensure data security and reduce risk of unauthorised access. It has been built to protect sensitive information and safeguard potential breaches.